Sneak Peeks

Colors All Around Us, Maintenance Update

Colors all around us – there are so many different colors everywhere! The earth we are on is an amazing creation. 😀

The Poptropica Creators must have been thinking the same thing. Comic Kid, a Creator, posted an interesting sneak peek of a colorful shop with clown gear. Thanks Blue 6254 for the news! Blog picture below:

Blog Post Title: Clowning Around
Description: It never ceases to amaze me that no matter where I go, there always seems to be stores that sell just about anything you can think of.
Image URL:
Image Name: variety.jpg

This sneak peek looks like it’s showing a nice shop stocked with colored wigs, hats with flowers poking out, balloons, glasses, and more! Comic Kid even seems to be waving to us in that picture. However, I’m not sure which island this sneak peek is for… 😦

Looking on the colorful side, there’s a new poll – no, make that 2 – on the Creators’ Blog. Thanks Cheerful Claw! The first one says: “GIRLS ONLY! – What is your favorite color?” The options are pink, blue, black, purple, yellow, green, red, brown, and white. Pink is winning this one. Don’t feel left out, boys, there’s one for you guys too! Scroll down a little to see the second poll: “BOYS ONLY! – What is your favorite color?” The options are a bit different: black, white, orange, green, red, blue, purple, yellow, and brown. Blue is winning!

Also, Director Lion (Gentle Lion) would like everyone to know that there is an ad between places on some islands such as Early Poptropica called “The Big Apple”. Remember to take a look at the posts below for some interesting Poptropica updates!

Maintenance Update
Last night and this morning Poptropica was down for maintenance. Im guessing it was mostly behind the scenes update, more or less the finishing touches on Bignate island. 😛
But there was one thing that i managed to see.
Email Notification SignupPoptropica has replaced the Bignate email to Astro-Knights email. Whether it means Bignate is soon to be released or maybe it means Astro will be coming out sooner the we think.

Hot news:
Disneys’ Lucky Socks (News on the new Disney double-ad, another Snapshot Sagas visit, and new clothes)
PHB Sneak Peeks: The New Knights of Poptropica (an exclusive sneak peek for Astro-Knights Island)
More TV Stars! (Reality TV Island sneak peek)

29 thoughts on “Colors All Around Us, Maintenance Update”

  1. i just checked poptropica this morning and it said it’s dow for maintenance. maybe big nate island will be out this afternoon!

  2. DFMA( down for maitnence alert!)!!!!!!! my guess
    : da big nate countdown( following da final countdown).there probably making the finishing touches on big nate and(the maitnence part) changing big nates coming soon to now online!!!

    (sorry about all those capitals, but im very excided!!) 😀 😀 😀

  4. THe younger the island is, the harder it is. 😉
    lots of us never got credited. Including me. I don’t really care.

    Scary Tomato: Actually, it seems to be the opposite – Early Poptropica is way easier than Nabooti. 😉

What's popping, Poptropicans?